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Attention!In the table above you can find and download a free version of Skype, which was received from the official website. Hallo, following question: I had Skype vers. As some weeks ago, with the latest one I met problems (the partner couldn't hear me, and the call was ended some seconds after starting ist, video didn't work etc; many other users had these problems as well, according to skype forum). Today, when trying to log in, I had the message 'you have been logged of as you are using an old version; download the latest version'.Now, is there information available, which version is the oldest one which is working now? (Win XP prof). Thank you for advice!

Skype had several owners, but people always blamed them for something. But first of all it should be noted that Microsoft does not planned neither advertising nor premium services. As far I know when they bought Skype, at Skype Technologies already planned to include ads.Sure, it’s easy to say that Microsoft added ads, especially if you forgot that at least they made group calls free of charge, enabled “offline” messaging and files sharing, removed client nodes, and added Skype Translator.About “data collected by Microsoft” — I cannot be sure what they collect, but you should read about “targeted advertising” and how it works.P.S. I really do not like such conversations, because I am looking like a Microsoft’s “lawyer”. The purpose of this blog is completely different — I just want to help others to stay in touch, but do not waste my time for “nothing”.


This is why I please you all: write only on the case and write only well-thought-out information; appreciate the work of others and do not let hatred cloud your judgment. Hi.I'm running Skype 7.36 on Windows XP SP3 Desktop home computer. Recently I did a system repair and now I can't make or receive calls from no one, Skype just hangs itself. I can't even call the sound test service, Skype just hangs. I remember I had some signing problems with Version 7.16 or 7.15 I don't remember which one: I tried to login but I couldn't.

But I found a way to solve the problem: I logged in with version 7.15 or 7.16, and never signed off since then. Skype updated automatically since then and now I'm running version 7.36 on XP with this problem. Everything was going fine until I did a system repair (SFC/scannow). I think I was running version 7.35 before that but I'm not sure.

What should I do? Should I restore? Roll back to version 7.16 and repeat the process?

My internet conection is working fine, Skype settings are fine, I checked everything. Some people have experienced the same problem, but with previous versions, and I know that if I ask in the forums they won't give me handy solutions.

I read somewhere that Skype ended supporting XP, someone said in the forums that last version to support it was 7.16 but now I see that's not true, and Skype 7.36 is apparently still supported. So what's the problem? Why can I not make or receive calls? I'm going crazy and I can't find any solutions, any leads on what to do. Please, please help me.

Thanks for the versions, I'll need them if I want to solve this problem. Maybe uninstalling and rolling back to previous versions can help? I don't know if it'll solve this particular issue with the not-making-or-receiving-calls. I seriously don't know what to do. I used this applicationLink#1: SkypePortableMultiversionMultilingualOnline.exeand the Skype.msi installer file fromLink#2: both files in a folder on your computer / desktop1: Run the application from link 12: Enter the Skype version number of the.msi file in the dialog box ( example: 6.22.107 ) then next.( msi you downloaded from link#2 ).

Follow the screen prompts.That's how I built my portable. And it works. Just not with NEW SKYPE ACCOUNTS that I created recently thru Microsoft.

I often think u people are a bunch of stupid a.!Look at the page u tell me about. All i see is, according to year, ' windows, mac os X, web ' exc. No version is given either for windows, mac or other.But this is microsoft policy, ' sign in, give your personal data, and if something happens, too bad for you!!!How many skype or microsoft account do i have, floting about, cause they are not recognized? Or so is said!The security policy is so fucking secure that no one can recover an account. But then, the question remains: how is it possible to get so many ' adnormal activity ' messages if accounts are so secure????? All i would like to do is close all these inaccessable accounts, but even that isnt possible.Its clear that your user respect is plain shit. Sorry for this, but usually an ' administrator ' is someone attached to the site or company, so u submit yourself to unpleasant critics, and whats more you can not really help users.

You must however admit that these companies like skype, microsoft, google, facebook, etc, are the ones to disrespect the users! If your question is out of the preanswered range, there is no way u can talk to a real person to try and solve it, so i think i am entitled to be angry and somewhat respectless! Do they respect me????????? That’s right, I’m the administrator of this site — unofficial blog (neither the blog nor I have anything to do with the official site, and this is written on each page of this blog). And no, I should not tolerate such “criticism”, because it is called “insulting” (I created this blog to help people, not to receive insults). And no, you do not have the right to insult any people (but especially those who are trying to help you).About helping users: the fact that I did not help you does not mean that I do not help anyone. First, how can I help you if you did not even ask for help?

Skype Classic

Secondly, I got thousands sincere thanks for my articles and personal help. So your words have no basis.As for the “big players”, it’s very simple: you’re using their products for free and you agreed with their policies. No one forced you to do this. Now think, if they have millions of users, why should they care for an aggressive customer, even if he pays “big money”? Moreover, what if he does not pay anything, but requires personally help without a trace of respect?

Personally, when I contacted Google or Skype support, I always politely asked for help, clearly explained the situation and usually I got the answers and help that I needed. Nevertheless, before that, I always try to find a solution myself, since in most cases it is already available on the official website. Nobody is obliged to look for answers for you, this is why services with millions of users do not have live support “in two clicks”. And the most important thing: if you did not find “Skype chat support” or “how to close Skype account”, it’s your problem and you cannot insult others because of this. Think what u want mr administrator!!

But from what i read, help success rate is low! Anyway you are not the one in cause here, unless u have some benefit out of it? I dont think u're doing this for peanuts! Now for me using these products for free, yes like the millions of users u talk about and as you say they dont care about; thats the reason for being aggressive and impolite! And they dont only neglect free users, but the ones that pay too. Dont blame the users, any!!! Free users bring in great amounts thru add as u know, and i'm sure you dont work here for free.


The fact that u contact google or skype directly shows what privileges u have, but normal users dont have these, or i would not be here!And dont shove forward not finding “Skype chat support” or “how to close Skype account”; try closing an account when they dont recognize you password because u havent used the account for some time. You blame me for using these sites, but as far as im concerned, the can quit: I blame them for not assuming their responsibility, and you for helping them. I’m afraid your imagination is too rich.

And what’s the worst, you distort the meaning of my words.Do you think that “help success rate is low”? To say such a thing, you must attach proof. For example, I can prove that this is not so. Check the following articles:-Do you still think that “help success rate is low”? If so, switch to the Russian version of each article and see how many thanks there are. In general account, are there more than 1000 comments for these five articles that confirmed that I helped? Do you want more statistics and useful stuff?

See the number of downloads for app (English=3 879 + Russian=89 616). Do you think more than 90 000 downloads for my app are nothing? Alternatively, look at: do you understand the significance of this article? Did you notice that I wrote more than 200 articles and about 5000 comments? Do you still think that this blog is not useful?You are grossly mistaken by saying that they pay me. Try at least to read a couple of my articles and I think you’ll understand everything. I ran this blog to test some webdev technologies related to my work, but I chose Skype out of enthusiasm to help users for free.

If you cannot understand or accept this, do not judge others by yourself.No, I did not say that they do not care about free users (think about how they managed to win the trust of millions of users, if they do not care about them). I just wanted to say that the desire to help an aggressive client tends to zero (especially if problems arise on the user’s fault).Do you think I have privileges because I contacted directly the tech support? Well, you’re right! However, this is because I am able to use search and find answers on my own. What’s more, I share information with those who cannot do it:And the final chord: do you really think that they should close the account even if you do not remember your password?

That is, everyone can write to them “Hey! My name is John Doe and I want to close my Skype account johdoe” and they should do this?

That’s funny! As well as you say that “they dont recognize you password because u havent used the account for some time”. I have some test accounts that I do not use for years, and I can log in without problems. Oh f u, i maintain my sayings and what the hell i care about Russian users: its normal, they dont use english.And yes i do understand the significance of these articles, i dont need you! And its not a matter if not knowing how to recover the account. When more than half of the security answers are given, and they still dont let u in, something is wrong in their heads! Mind you, what a great way of stealing personal data from users!!!!!!Sorry, i cant be bothered with your state of mind, i am right about the lack of direct help, and thats all.

It’s strange that you do not understand one simple truth: it does not matter what language you speak if the same problem affects everyone. On other hand, the most important thing is that now you’re showing your true colors.Also you should know that it’s correct that they did not recover the password “when half of the security answers are given”, since any scriptkiddy or “friend” will able to guess or to dig up this information and hack most accounts.Well, I wish you the best of luck in your search for suitable assistance. If you really need your account back, you should try to recover it.

But you need to understand where you make mistakes and remember other details that will help you to recover account. If at registration you entered fake data or did not save it somewhere else, I’m afraid there is very little chance of recovering your account. By the way, when I’m creating accounts, I always use KeePass and save everything entered into registration form (and of course, I periodically make backups). Only thanks to this, a couple of years ago when my HDD went to rest I was able to recover all my accounts (among them, very old accounts) for different services.As for hacking, you’re missing some things. As you say, if they should recover the account “when half of the security answers are given”, how will they distinguish the true owner from the scammer? Furthermore, after the account is hacked, the scammer get a lot of confidential information (like contacts list, conversations, personal data) which among other things, allows him to impersonate the true owner. To this, it is worth adding that after hacking the account, scammer will change email, password, secret questions and other info.

Of course, after this it will be even harder or impossible to recover your account.Not sure, what do you mean by “live help”, but as I said above, you can contact Skype Support via “live chat” where real people will help you. You, as always, in your repertoire: empty words and silly excuses. Sorry for this, but you’re tedious because you are too inattentive and you are discussing things that you do not understand. I tried to help you, but apparently, you are not able to overcome your anger that leads to absurd statements. Because of this, I have to interrupt the conversation. Anyway, I wish you all the best.Updated 1 oct 2017 at 02:48N.b.

I apologize to the rest of the visitors, but I will not let you join this conversation and insult each other. He came to my blog, and I will do as I think is right. In the end, he was talking to me and not to you. Things that I do not understand?? It seems to me u dont understand, and u are contemptuous, too full of your own superiority!And ofcourse u will not let visitors join the conversation, just in case they agree with me and prove me right!I note that u did not yet give us an active email address ( not auto answering ) for skype or microsoft!Bye, have fun flattering yourself.Updated 1 oct 2017 at 11:54Btw, YOU ALMIGHTY should know that when a research on internet is done, u hardly ever get the homepage first! Yes, you do not understand too much things (check your comments). Therefore, I wrote another comment to pay your attention, but I promise, if you continue in your repertoire, I will not publish your comments any more.Read carefully: I will not let others offend you (this means that they do not agree with you).

I’m not a dictator (proof of this is that I published all your dirty messages) and if someone agree with you, I would not interfere with them. I already noted this in my previous comment, but especially for you I repeat again: anyone can join this conversation, but no one should scold you.Again, proof that you are not attentive; I told you how to contact a “real human” from Skype Chat Support, which will help you in real time (that is, no any “auto answering systems”). Nevertheless, you accuse me that I did not provide an email, but the funniest thing is that before that you did not even ask anything about email. I’m sorry for this, but there are many missing and outdated versions for different operating systems (not only for macOS). Of course, I would like to supplement the full list of Skype versions, but unfortunately, I do not have much free time for this.

Nevertheless, in my archive I have most installers for macOS, so if you need a specific version, please let me know.As for the patience, if I understand everything correctly by your votes, it is not so bad as it seems. This is the first case, but I hope the last one. I apologize for such a long reply. Unfortunately, I cannot help you, because by default iOS devices support.ipa files that are downloaded only from the AppStore by the device owner, and this is why I don’t upload.ipa files for iOS. I can be wrong, but the only way to install apps from unofficial sources is to download cracked.ipa files and jailbreak the device (of course, you must not forget about the safety and legality of this method).

On the other hand, maybe I can help you if you tell me why you need the old version? Add new commentComments are moderated by the administrator and cannot immediately appear on the site. Name: Email: Want to be notified of new comments? If you activate notifications, you can at any time cancel them. Before you start receiving notifications, you’ll have to confirm that the email you provided is yours. Message:.

When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype. If you encounter any errors, copy the full text of the message here.

Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.

Table of Contents.Skype HackerSkype is no doubt one of the best messaging tool on the internet. Millions of users are using it everyday and is already a part of a daily life. You must be aware that everything that is connected to the new technology is very vulnerable against hackers, and that context is not impossible.

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